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Data Migration

Minimize disruptions with near-zero downtime migration

Hero Image Data Migration

Sound familiar?

Icon Time Clock Window

My cutover window is very limited (4 hrs)

Traditional migration tools require an unpredictable final scan that can easily extend beyond a planned cutover window.  Furthermore, if data transfer is interrupted, it must restart from the beginning.

Icon Calendar Recording Snapshot Folder

I have to provide four weeks of snapshot history

Maintaining a period of snapshot history is an operational best practice.  Most migration solutions are unable to migrate snapshots, so they need to be rebuilt manually on new systems before cutover.

I need to migrate thousands of shares

The migration of large, complex share/directory structures with permissions can be automated to save time and reduce errors. Importing source and target pairs of shares would significantly reduce the amount of work.

Near-Zero Downtime Migrations

Migrate mixed storage environments with near-zero downtime, data reorganization, and failback using PeerSync Migration.  New storage systems can co-exist with legacy systems to increase flexibility in scheduling the final cutover.  PeerSync Migration does NOT require a final scan, reducing any disruption for end users.

Near-Zero Downtime

Reduce your cutover window with real-time replication

Data Reorganization

Split/merge file data to different volumes/servers during migration

Icon Cross Platform Replication

Cross-Platform Integration

Migrate file data between all major storage systems and/or vendors

Plan your Migration with Peer File System Analyzer (PeerFSA)

PeerFSA is a lightweight tool that provides valuable, detailed information about the structure, organization, and usage of file data in complex environments.  It is designed to improve migration performance and efficiency.

We reduced our Migration cost and adopted newer technology faster with Real-Time Replication by Peer Software

CTO, Financial Sector

Solution Showcase

Check out how you can save time and meet SLAs migrating with PeerSync Migration


Configuration Examples

The following graphics illustrate examples of use cases for PeerSync Migration.  The key advantage is real-time integration with all major storage platforms to eliminate final scans for non-disruptive migrations.  PeerSync Migration offers the flexibility of efficient migration to the cloud or consolidating file servers in on-premises or cloud data centers.

Reduce Risk

PeerSync Migration reduces risks asso-ciated with large, complex migrations.  Data reorganization and share migration with permissions minimize administrative errors. If network connectivity is lost during data transfer, the migration job can resume from where it left off, once con-nectivity is restored.  This reduces the risk of missing deadlines and impacting projects.  Peer File System Analyzer (PeerFSA) can also be used to ensure that the right data is migrated in most effective and efficient manner possible.

Save Money

PeerSync Migration provides advanced functionality that saves time.  Real-time replication reduces cutover windows by eliminating lengthy, unpredictable final scans.  PeerSync Migration handles tasks that are typically manual, such as data reorganization and share migration with permissions. Peer Software also offers Peer File System Analyzer (PeerFSA) to provide valuable insights into critical data characteristics that are used to optimize migrations.

Improve Productivity

Organizations save money by significantly reducing the administrative costs of migration.  PeerSync Migration and Peer File System Analyzer (PeerFSA), when used together, aid in effective planning and efficient execution for optimal results.  Unplanned delays and unpredictable performance are avoided to ensure data migration projects are completed on time and on budget.  Furthermore, Peer Software’s unique licensing model is designed to deliver the most cost-effective solution for the enterprise.

11 Features That Can Help Your Next File Migration

Learn more about PeerSync Migration and find out why you should consider it for you next data migration project, big or small.