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Data Center Synchronization

Enable “always on” availability and load balancing with
Active-Active file services for VDI and user data.

Hero Image Data Center Sync

Sound familiar?

The difference between hours and minutes could mean millions of dollars.  Data is moving back to core data centers and the cloud—where prolonged recovery times are not acceptable.

We need to reduce

Extended outages put businesses at risk.  Data infrastructure today requires 24x7x365 availability.  These demands can be especially challenging in hybrid cloud, or multi-vendor environments where most solutions have limitations.

Icon Global File Sharing

Data needs to be available in multiple locations

Today’s needs for disaster recovery, global file sharing, and load balancing all require Active-Active availability across multiple locations.  Enabling automatic failover and improving end-user access are standard requirements.

Multi-site VDI requires data synchronization

A single-site VDI deployment is at risk of downtime.  To deploy a truly resilient VDI solution, data needs to be synchro-nized in two or more locations to accommodate failover and to provide travelling users with fast access.

Peer Global File Service

Peer Software delivers solutions to enable Active-Active availability for near-zero RPO disaster recovery, global file sharing, regional load balancing, and multi-site VDI deployments.  Peer’s flagship product, Peer Global File Service, is a software-only solution that integrates with all major storage platforms and supports standard file formats to meet the demands of multi-site, multi-vendor, and multi-cloud infrastructure.

Solution Showcase

Learn how to improve data availability and increase productivity through active-active, real-time data infrastructure.


Active-Active File Services

Synchronize multiple data centers, or just two servers/clusters, to realize Active-Active high availability and minimize RTO and RPO. Users can be redirected to another site without disruption.

Traditional hardware solutions, like snapshots, are scheduled and remain passive (not accessible) at the second site. Snapshots are hardware-dependent and work at the volume level. PeerGFS offers greater flexibility by supporting all major storage platforms and can be configured at granular level (directory or share).


Minimize Downtime

Significantly reduce downtime by enabling Active-Active high availability.  PeerGFS provides the real-time infrastructure that minimizes RTO and RPO to meet today’s “always on” demands.

Save Money

Save money by protecting prior IT investments, while minimizing downtime.  PeerGFS integrates with all major storage platforms—allowing organizations to significantly enhance ROI and avoid costly technology refreshes.

Improve Productivity

Improve productivity and profitability by providing end users reliable and efficient access to data.  An Active-Active file service enables load balancing and regional performance for time-sensitive businesses.


Today’s “always-on” world requires real-time infrastructure that extends to remote offices and supports latency-sensitive applications and services at the edge.

Graphic Hexagon Real Time Replication

RelyOn Nutec

As the world’s largest provider of safety training for the offshore, maritime and renewables industries, RelyOnNutec Safety Services is a business built on decades of trust that is continuously innovating.

“We needed a replication service that we could adopt across our network, which required a vendor that has worked with larger organizations with sizable amounts of data.”

Jonathan Williams,
Global IT Director

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