Project Profile
Peer Software Solution
- PeerGFS™️
Customer's Platform(s)
- Microsoft Windows
- Nutanix
- Locations across eight countries with main design offices in Egypt
- Design, Consulting, Construction
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Autodesk Revit
- Autodesk Civil 3D
- Microsoft Office
The Company
SHAKER Consultancy Group is ranked by ENR as a top 150 international firm.
Founded in 1982, the firm is known for its high performance and dedication to client service. Shaker‘s reputation of excellence is built on a solid foundation of capabilities, skills and professional expertise.
The Challenge
Overcoming Distributed Challenges: Uniting Main Design Teams Across Multiple Locations
Before engaging with Peer Software, the main design office, which spans across two distinct districts in Cairo, faced a significant challenge. The necessity for both teams to access and work on files simultaneously was crucial for operations.
Peer Software emerged as the optimal solution to ensure active updates and seamless collaboration between both sites throughout the day, enabling efficient work sharing and collaboration. The improved synchronization and file management have led to a more structured workflow, reducing errors and improving overall project quality.
Peer Software: Transforming Data Management and Accessibility
Peer played a pivotal role in the firm‘s digital transformation by helping move data from legacy Windows storage to cutting-edge Nutanix infrastructure.
Since implementation, PeerGFS has helped maintain real-time synchronization between locations to enable efficient team collaboration.
Achieving New Heights in Collaboration and Operational Efficiency
PeerGFS has revolutionized the way the company‘s distributed teams collaborate on projects by eliminating the need for constant downloading and uploading of files and concerns over versioning.