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Storage Observability, Monitoring, and Analytics

Real-time and historical monitoring

PeerIQ provides real-time monitoring of your distributed storage environments and analyzes unstructured data growth against historical trends.

Customizable dashboard

The overview dashboard can be customized by setting thresholds and alerts for critical metrics like memory usage and job failures.

Detailed insights

PeerIQ offers in-depth visibility into all aspects of your PeerGFS system, including the PMC, Agents, jobs, watch sets and more.

Data exporting

Log data and other information can be exported for further analysis and integration.

Easy to deploy

PeerIQ comes as a preconfigured virtual appliance for quick setup and reduced configuration time.

Intuitive UI

The web-based UI provides at-a-glance overviews and the ability to drill down into details for efficient monitoring.

PeerIQ provides organizations with a single pane of visibility into heterogeneous, hybrid, and multi-cloud storage environments -going beyond the limitations of singular vendor storage systems.

PeerIQ Overview

Monitoring Capabilities

Analytics & Reporting

Ease of Use


PeerIQ enables:

Download PeerIQ

Connect PeerIQ to Peer Broker

Enable data transfer in the PMC

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