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Project Profile

Peer Software Solution

Customer's Platform(s)




The Company

Penguin Random House is the first truly global trade book publisher, unifying two of the most famous names in publishing.

The merger brought together the adult and children‘s fiction and non-fiction print and digital trade book publishing businesses of Penguin and Random House across key markets worldwide, as well as Dorling Kindersley and Random House‘s companies in Spanish-speaking countries. 

With a roster including more than 70 Nobel Prize laureates, it employs over 10,500 people globally and publishes more than 15,000 new titles annually through nearly 250 independent imprints.

The Challenge

Before working with Peer Software, the company encountered significant operational hurdles.

The company inherited two file sharing solutions that were not designed to communicate with each other. This created a number of challenges, not least managing file version integrity.

For team members in different locations, collaborating on documents was difficult and frustrating. It was commonplace to experience version conflicts and data inconsistencies, which was starting to slow down major projects and increase the costs associated with them.

Managing file locking and version control became a top priority.


Peer Software‘s tailored solution directly addressed identified challenges including file locking capabilities that proved to be a game-changer.

After a Proof of Concept engagement, the company selected Peer Global File Service (PeerGFS), a software-based solution that simplifies file management across distributed multi-platform hybrid storage systems found in edge, data centre and cloud environments.


Implementing PeerGFS has resulted in measurable and significant operational improvements.

PeerGFS integrated seamlessly into the company‘s  global environment, ensuring that team members could access and work on synchronized file replicas without overwriting each other‘s contributions.

Penguin Randon House experienced a remarkable increase in the ability to manage files across different locations with enhanced collaboration to significantly boost productivity and reduce project delivery timelines.

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