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Project Profile

Peer Software Solution

Customer's Platform(s)




The Company

Uno Minda Europe is a dynamic company with over eighteen years of expertise in developing and supplying embedded control units and lighting systems for the automotive industry.

With a dedication to innovation and quality, Uno Minda provides forward-looking solutions that enhance vehicle performance and safety. By continuously striving to meet and exceed customer expectations, the company continuously contributes to the advancement of the automotive sector.

The Challenge

The need to collaborate across several locations on joint projects was essential for efficiently handling customer projects.

Due to the high volume of data, project file replicas needed to be available locally for fast access to enable employees to work efficiently and effectively. 

This need for local data availability was vital to ensure that all team members have the necessary information at their fingertips, thereby reducing delays and enhancing productivity. 

The challenge was compounded by the company‘s diverse operations and the need to maintain consistency and quality across different sites. With locations spread out they needed to implement robust data management systems to ensure that all teams are working with the most current and accurate information.


PeerGFS helped to ensure seamless collaboration across multiple locations enabling the company to replicate data in real time, ensuring that every location had access to the most up-to-date information.

PeerGFS proved to be a flexible solution that allowed Uno Minda to control which file types to replicate and ensure that only necessary data was synchronized to optimize bandwidth usage and storage efficiency.


Over time, little to no manual work was necessary to keep data statuses synchronized across locations.

The implementation of PeerSoftware‘s solution has signifcantly enhanced data management processes, allowing for real-time data replication and seamless collaboration across multiple sites.

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